5 Kasım 2017 Pazar

Assignment #4 (Hierarchy)

The Materials:

1. Black carboard as the background
2. Craft paper
3. Newspaper

Into this assignment, we were responsible from designing a relief that can express the existence of the concept of hierarchy. We were able to use cylindrical shapes that we cut from both craft paper and newspapers. Adjusting both types and sizes of the cylinders made the design field have the characteristics of relief which by carvetion creating the feeling of 3D designed field. For hierarchy, we had to have a dominant group that also has a ranking of its elements in the design field.

The first try-out that we made in class:

The finalized work

The Principles of Design


Rhythm is another fundemental of design. It can be defined as organization of elements that makes the eyes of audience follow the elements seen, basicly. Herein, the use of space has a crucial role because its effect becomes more than just the figure-ground relationship in rhythm. There are many rhythmic organizations made all over the campus. I picked some basic ones such as the trees that planted with same gaps. The other one was the colons placed in a way that created curvilinear path in the road. The last and the best one was the emergency stairs. They were placed so perfectly that the eye feels a requirement to follow it till the end.

The Principles of Design


Hierarchy can be defined as dominating group of elements which also have ranking of themselves in the group. The visual interpretation of this can be seen as the existence of elements which seem more significant for the design field. Herein, the domination concept is applied in more broad comprehension and application for the design field. For examplifying the hierarchy, I pictured the stairs which is diveded in its field by the sloped region. Owing to  the parallax view of the stairs, the sizes of sloped regions are differentiated and thus created the ranking of the dominating group in the picture. Although the other example lacks of the ranking of elements that created hierarchy, the expression of hierarchy can be felt easiy owing to the spaces created in the wall.
the spaces
the stairs mentioned

The Principles of Design


Dominance in design field refers the element or group of elements that gain the attention of audience firstly. This can be achieved by using size, color, shape in design. For example, in the picture it's seen that the bolded windows attract the attention first on it. The audience firstly recognize those parts in the picture and after that they seacrh for the pieces that make up the whole. This is the foundation and basic explanation of the concept of contrast. Another example can be seen in the cones placed. The cone in the middle dominates the other by its size because sometimes being bigger is just enough to draw attetion in design field.

The bolded windows attract the attention firstly.

The cone in the middle cdominates the others by its size

The Principles of Design


The constrast in design can be interpreted as the element that interferes the harmony that created throughout the desing. There are many ways of creating contrast in design but the mostly-used ones are color, size, texture and laying direction of the elements. In the first picture, it's seen that the white windows are the elements that interfere the harmony created by using of black as the paint for other windows. In the second picture, the color of the tree makes it different from the rest in the picture.

The Principles of Design

Variation is firstly used with repetetion in our assigments to enrich the design itself. Scaling was the first and probably most used technique to create varition in our designs. While it's not that complex to use, with a good organizaitonal plan the advanced works can be produced. Herein, I picked up to photography the air canals placed in several points in the campus. It's a basic example of scaling. As it's seen in the picture, the bigger square is made up from smaller ones.

The Principles of Design

Repetition  is one of the principles of design and also it's seen as a foundation or cofactor of many other principles such as varition and rhtym. Even though it's mostly mixed up wih rhytm, repetetion has more easy to apply and understand. It can be basicly explained as repeting of an element or a group. Herein, the use of space does not matter unlike it does in rhytm. Therefore, it's usually used with other principles to make the design enriched. I decided to put a rudimental example of the concept of repetition because to get an clear idea about it can be easily achieved by giving clear ideas. Therefore I put the repetition of a grouped stones which can also seemed as a pattern herein. Another one was the columns seen both in the ceiling and the façade.