9 Ocak 2018 Salı

The Prejury and the Final Jury (17 Voids)

The Materials:

Opaque Surface: Cardboard, Balsa sheet
Translucent Surface: Wire mesh, Translucent acetate paper
Stick Materails: Wooden sticks, Metal sticks

We have been working for forming voids for a while. Firstly we made 3 then 5 and finally we reached 17 voids in total system. Making that amount of voids embedded in the desgin system was the both purpose and challange of the assignment.

For arrangement, I decided to form a path that air-flow can follow and, thus, an interrelated system is born. The starting point was the fornation of a group that will be repeated in the system. After that I repeated them in way that the path is not interrupted or blocked. Thus, the design that I will be presenting to jury for prejury is finalized.

With the critics that I got in both jury and critic sessions, I revised my work. The foundation of the work is preserved and it has developped in terms of organizational complexity and the flow between interrelated voids.

The project and posters of prejury work

The project and posters of final jury work

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