9 Ocak 2018 Salı

The Prejury and the Final Jury (17 Voids)

The Materials:

Opaque Surface: Cardboard, Balsa sheet
Translucent Surface: Wire mesh, Translucent acetate paper
Stick Materails: Wooden sticks, Metal sticks

We have been working for forming voids for a while. Firstly we made 3 then 5 and finally we reached 17 voids in total system. Making that amount of voids embedded in the desgin system was the both purpose and challange of the assignment.

For arrangement, I decided to form a path that air-flow can follow and, thus, an interrelated system is born. The starting point was the fornation of a group that will be repeated in the system. After that I repeated them in way that the path is not interrupted or blocked. Thus, the design that I will be presenting to jury for prejury is finalized.

With the critics that I got in both jury and critic sessions, I revised my work. The foundation of the work is preserved and it has developped in terms of organizational complexity and the flow between interrelated voids.

The project and posters of prejury work

The project and posters of final jury work

The Midterm Jury (Double-Sided Relief)

The Material:

1.White cardboard

For midterm jury we were respoansible from creating double-sided relief that shows the concept of different design principles which leads us that creation of two different relief by using elements -herein rectangular prisms- formed from cardboard. The principles that we can apply for this work were the things that we leant so far: hierarchy, dominance, rhythm, repetition-variation... This project's process covered a time period which is nearly a month.
At the end we had our very first jury.

In my project a decided to apply repetition for one side and contrast for the other side. I firstly create a group and repeated it for three times with some gaps, after that those gaps are filled in a way that the relief's visual effect is feasible. However, until I got the understanding of this project I've lost time, but those mistakes helped me for made the successful one.

8 Ocak 2018 Pazartesi

Assignment #7-Process Towards the Final

The Materials:

Opaque Surface: Cardboard, Balsa sheet
Translucent Surface: Wire mesh, Translucent acetate paper
Stick Materails: Wooden sticks, Metal sticks

In this assignment, we were firstly intoduced to concept of void and formation of that. Actually, from the understanding of formation of void, we are also introduced to 3D design concepts. I saw that the concepts that we learnt in 2D design are also valid in this process.

Firslty, we were responsible from formation of 3 related voids by using one material option for opaque surface , one for translucent surface and one as the stick element. Herein, we faced with the concept of relation; there were many ways of relate two or more volumes and we usually worked with the undersanding of a path that created for an imaginary air-flow to follow it. With keeping minde this understanding, I shaped the organization. Then the number of voids that expected are augmented; firstly it became 5 then 7 and finally we reached 17 which is also expected number for the final project.

The first step, related 3 voids

The second step, with 5 voids 

The revised second steo, again with 5 voids